La Well Piétonne

Write a letter

Get help writing a letter of support for a year-round pedestrian Wellington street as part of the opinion submission period. (January 23 - February 12, 2025)

A year-round pedestrian Wellington street will most importantly...
Some ideas I'd most like to see on a year-round pedestrian Wellington street are...
(Pick up to 3)
  • Street kiosks

    Small buildings or kiosks in the middle of the street.

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  • Canopy of umbrellas, or string lights

    Areas with canopy that provide a pleasant atmosphere and provide shade.

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  • Plant more trees

    Trees can provide shade and relief during heat waves and mitigate wind in the winter.

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  • Narrow, protected intersections

    Narrow, raised intersections with planters, bollards to prevent obstructions. A design safe enough to allow children to run down the street.

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  • Flat, raised, accessible surface

    Repave the street and its sidewalks as a flat, raised surface, level with doors of shops on first floor.

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  • Terrasses next to buildings

    Install terrasses next to buildings to maximize central space for walking and activities. Reduce the need for businesses to set up raised patios.

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  • Transform Place Wellington into a public square and park

    A park between rue Galt and de l'Église that extends into the front and around Église Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs.

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  • Repave the street with brick

    Use brick or alternative surfaces appropriate for a pedestrian street, limiting speed of cyclists and reducing reflected heat.

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  • Pedestrianize Wellington beyond 6e av

    Pedestrianize Wellington from rue Regina to Lasalle, beyond 6e Av. This would allow re-organizing the Wellington / Lasalle intersection.

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  • Winter activities in the snow

    Snow uncontaminated by vehicle traffic can be used for winter activities and by children.

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  • Sculptures, street art

    Temporary or permanent art installations.

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  • Repurpose or share underused parking lots

    Create a program to repurpose or share underused private parking lots in the vicinity.

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  • Cargo bike deliveries

    Allow deliveries on bikes and compact vehicles for longer periods throughout the day to encourage modal shift.

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  • Separated bike lanes

    It would be so great and so very much safer if it were designated where you can bike

    Idea by Emily Bitting
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  • Provide light mobility options

    Provide light transit options like a shuttle, midibus, club car, or velo taxi.

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  • Transitional period with year-round fixtures

    Install accessibility ramps and fixtures during a year-round trial before a complete redevelopment of the street.

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  • Public swings and furniture

    Swings and seating areas enjoyed by all ages in the summer can become permanent fixtures.

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  • Convert rue Galt into a public transit and active transit corridor

    Turn Rue Galt into a pedestrian or transit corridor, linking with the future bridge to Île-des-Soeurs.

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  • Remove traffic lights

    Remove intersection traffic lights at the intersections of Willibrord, 5e, and Hickson.

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  • Christmas trees and festival of lights

    Holidays and seasonal festivals like Cabane Panache can be hosted with reduced logistics and recurring cost.

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  • Traffic calming measures

    Use street furniture and speed bumps designed to limit speed of cyclists.

    Idea by Robin
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  • Public garbage, recyling, compost containers

    To ease trash collection and keep the promenade tidy.

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  • Tactile paving

    Use tactile paving to assist pedestrians who are vision impaired.

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  • Cul-de-sacs / modal filters

    Turn transverse streets into two-ways with modal filters at the corner of Wellington. This could optimize space for parking, vegetation and street activity.

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  • Festivals throughout the year

    - Harvest and root veggie festival in September-October. - Oktoberfest and/or pumpkin festival, with a big Halloween parade. - Day of the Dead parade on November 1st. - Christmas market (German or Latino, even!) - Snow fest, Verdun version with activities (sledding sports). - Singles festival around February 14th. - Mtl en lumières, with ice sculpture competition. - Cabane Panache would stay, obviously. - Spring flowers festival in April-May.

    Idea by François Dandurand
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  • Rename the street to Promenade Wellington

    Rename the pedestrianized area of the street to Promenade Wellington.

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How do you feel about the idea of pedestrianizing Wellington street year-round?
Any concerns you'd like to address?
Any other comments you'd like to include?